Wednesday, November 11, 2009

14 months

What a difference a day makes!!!!

Cassidy was taking a few steps here and there yesterday ... today she's is running all over the house. This evening while I was making dinner, she tried to climb the shelves in the refrigerator.

She also seems to be adjusting to her new schedule with one nap a day. She's gradually been lasting longer before the nighttime crabbies start. Tonight we made it until her 8:00 bedtime without the need for the nighttime stroller ride to stop the whining!

The past few nights have been a bit rocky with more teeth coming through. At our last visit, the doc said her gums were really swollen back by her molars and that those would be coming through any day now.

The second dose of antibiotics finally knocked out her ear infections and Cassidy got her second flu shot last week. Now we are just waiting for her clinic to get the H1N1 shot.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


On Saturday Cassidy took her first steps without holding on to anything. She was very hesitant about it all weekend and I have yet to get a good video of it, but I'm working on it. She's been walking while holding onto our hands for awhile now, but too afraid to let go, usually even with one hand. On Saturday, though, she had a toy in each hand, and took her first couple independent steps before she even realized she wasn't holding on to one of us. Today when I picked her up from daycare, they said she was taking steps by herself all day, and even breaking into a run at times. UH-OH. Phase two of baby proofing here we come...

She's been pushing various things (like the laundry basket) around while kneeling or walking slowly behind them, but this weekend she really got the hang of it and is now just about running behind her parade car.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat: Our Little Lamb

Cassidy Graduates

Friday was Cassidy's last day in the "Baby Room" at daycare. She's officially graduated to the one and two year old room. She moved over with two others from her class, one also born in september, and another a couple months younger than her. She's not walking yet, but I don't think it'll be long now that she's surrounded by other kids that are walking.

The main differences between the baby room and her new classroom?
  • No more napping in a crib. Now she naps on a mat on the floor with all of the other kids at a designated time once during the day.
  • No more eating in a high chair. Now she eats her lunch and snacks at a mini-table with all of the other kids.
  • Directed activities. Throughout the day, Cassidy will be in a group of five kids with one teacher, who will encourage her to join the group in various activities.
  • Outside playtime when weather permits.
  • She's down to one bottle a day at daycare, usually late afternoon, plus one bottle before bed.
  • We're still nursing, but down to twice a day, first thing in the morning, and at bedtime. We're planning to phase out the morning nursing after she's adjusted to her new classroom.

For the past couple of months, I've been working on some gifts to give her teachers from the "baby room" as well as the head of the daycare who I absolutely LOVE. She's been so helpful and encouraging.

Cassidy's first day in the "Big Girl" classroom.