We met up with our friends Chuck and Erin for the Norah Jones concert which was great!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Jazzfest 2007
We met up with our friends Chuck and Erin for the Norah Jones concert which was great!
Fuddpuckers 2007-- A Weekend of Volleyball Fun!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Our brief welcome home
After 5 days in doggie day-care and boarding, I was greeted by an enormous amount of barking as I tried to pay for Sake and Baxter's bill. I then received several doggie kisses and home we went. After maybe 5 minutes of racing around the house to check that everything was still where they left it, I was quickly forgotten.... only to be replaced by bones and a nice long nap. I think they missed their rawhide chews more than us!
Easter get away... snow included
For Easter, we flew up to Wisconsin to visit my parents. A big part of our decision to spend Easter in Wisconsin was based on the planned arrival of Jeremy and Jamie's first child, Sydney. However, Sydney wasn't having any of that. She decided that even though her scheduled due date was the last week in March, she was perfectly happy in her current location ... despite "mom-to-be's" discomfort and anticipation!
So, with a trip down to Illinois, instead of spending a quiet evening at home with a newborn, the four of us headed out for some dinner at Portillo's followed by some Cold Stone ice cream for dessert.
Even though it was only a 4 day trip, we also had a quick visit with Sandy and Chad, and were amazed to see how quickly their little ones are growing up!
Of course a trip to Wisconsin in April wouldn't be complete without snow ... which we woke up to find on Saturday, just in time for our Easter family get together. In my disgruntled state brought on by snow in April, I forgot to take a picture. Oh well. Since most of you reading this are in Wisconsin, I'm sure you didn't miss it.
Two down, One to Go!
So phase two of our "no more carpet" plan is done. We spent two weekends in March working on the second bedroom, tearing out carpeting and installing new floors.
I have to say that this round went both better, and worse than the last room. Though the process itself was faster, thanks to both a new sawzall and the experience from the first room, there were more arguements and periods of angry silence than in the last room.
Having said that, we have completed yet another home improvement project without moving to separate bedrooms or the need for divorce papers (my boss claims that home improvement projects are a sure way to end up doing just that-- especially when either hanging or removing wallpaper is involved)!
We probably could have finished in one weekend, but we took some time out to go biking since the weather was too nice to be inside working all day.
So here's a look at the finished product! It's our guest room ... just in case anyone feels like they are up for a trip to New Orleans!