Saturday, December 5, 2009
Green snot
Hmmm .... I was just saying how she's been pretty healthy lately.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
14 months
What a difference a day makes!!!!
Cassidy was taking a few steps here and there yesterday ... today she's is running all over the house. This evening while I was making dinner, she tried to climb the shelves in the refrigerator.
She also seems to be adjusting to her new schedule with one nap a day. She's gradually been lasting longer before the nighttime crabbies start. Tonight we made it until her 8:00 bedtime without the need for the nighttime stroller ride to stop the whining!
The past few nights have been a bit rocky with more teeth coming through. At our last visit, the doc said her gums were really swollen back by her molars and that those would be coming through any day now.
The second dose of antibiotics finally knocked out her ear infections and Cassidy got her second flu shot last week. Now we are just waiting for her clinic to get the H1N1 shot.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
On Saturday Cassidy took her first steps without holding on to anything. She was very hesitant about it all weekend and I have yet to get a good video of it, but I'm working on it. She's been walking while holding onto our hands for awhile now, but too afraid to let go, usually even with one hand. On Saturday, though, she had a toy in each hand, and took her first couple independent steps before she even realized she wasn't holding on to one of us. Today when I picked her up from daycare, they said she was taking steps by herself all day, and even breaking into a run at times. UH-OH. Phase two of baby proofing here we come...
She's been pushing various things (like the laundry basket) around while kneeling or walking slowly behind them, but this weekend she really got the hang of it and is now just about running behind her parade car.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Cassidy Graduates
- No more napping in a crib. Now she naps on a mat on the floor with all of the other kids at a designated time once during the day.
- No more eating in a high chair. Now she eats her lunch and snacks at a mini-table with all of the other kids.
- Directed activities. Throughout the day, Cassidy will be in a group of five kids with one teacher, who will encourage her to join the group in various activities.
- Outside playtime when weather permits.
- She's down to one bottle a day at daycare, usually late afternoon, plus one bottle before bed.
- We're still nursing, but down to twice a day, first thing in the morning, and at bedtime. We're planning to phase out the morning nursing after she's adjusted to her new classroom.
For the past couple of months, I've been working on some gifts to give her teachers from the "baby room" as well as the head of the daycare who I absolutely LOVE. She's been so helpful and encouraging.
Cassidy's first day in the "Big Girl" classroom.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Cassidy's 1 year Photos
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Kitchen Makeover Continues

While we were busy in the kitchen, Grandma and Grandpa had their first outing with Cassidy on Saturday: breakfast at IHOP and Cassidy's first trip to the park to play on the playground. They said she was a little angel and had a blast on the swing, Merry-go-round, and slide. They repeated their outing on Monday, with lunch at Wendy's, a trip to the park, and then to Sam's club for groceries for dinner, while I enjoyed my blissful time at home ... alone... ahhhh (sigh of contentment).
We painted the backsplash so there isn't any rush for part three of the makeover - tiling; though we already have the tiles picked out.
I'm really happy with the way the kitchen turned out. It's the first time we've gone from a bold color to a more neutral one. It's taking a little getting used to, but it definitely has a more calming feeling than the yellow, which is nice. The white trim helps to tie in the white cooktop, hood, and dishwasher. Eventually it might be nice to replace them with stainless steel or black, but since they don't look awful with the way we've decorated, it can definitely wait.
I still have to touch up a few spots on the walls and the bifold doors, so that's on my agenda for this weekend ... when Grandpa Fred and Grandma Josie are visiting!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
When Sleep Deprivation Meets Neurosis
My eyes popped open as I remembered that I never put my transformation plates into the incubator. Okay, not the end of the world. I could put them in the incubator in the morning and they'd still be ready to use by late afternoon/evening. Then panic set in as I realized that I couldn't recall turning off the gas bunsen burner on my lab bench. I sat there trying my hardest to remember what I had done, in what order, and where I had walked when I left the lab because surely I would have noticed a bright blue flame when I turned off the lights... wouldn't I?
So I snuck out of Cassidy's room after she had drifted back to sleep, woke Jeff up to tell him I had to go to work, and crept out of the house at 2:25am. Ridiculous, I know. But the entire drive (all of 10 minutes --- traffic is wonderful in the middle of the night, and actually so is radio.. much better than when I normally drive) I had visions of toxic smoke and flames billowing from the 7th floor of our building. Relief started to set in as I exited the highway to see our building still intact without any emergency lights flashing around it.
In the lab I found ... my lab bench as it should be with no bunsen burner lit and my plates in the proper incubator where they should be. I still have no recollection of doing either of these things.
I was back home in bed by 3:05 and able to sleep (which I know full well I wouldn't have if I hadn't gone into work to check.) Yes, I know... I'm completely neurotic. I've accepted it. You should too.
And a brief update on Cassidy: Running a low grade fever this morning again, not the least bit interested in eating anything, whining, and snotting all over. No daycare for her. I'm home again.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Our little trooper.

With no Sunday office hours at the pediatrician, we had to stick it out until Monday. Saturday night Cassidy did pretty well, with only one wake up and long stretches of sleep. Sunday she was lethargic, wanting only to sleep in our laps or with us holding her.

She had trouble nursing starting Saturday night because of the congestion, and then on Sunday couldn't eat solids either because her mouth hurt. We regressed back to bottles (we were down to 2 bottles a day and using sippy cups) to get her to take fluids.
Sunday night was miserable. She woke up just about every hour, cried inconsolably while awake not wanting to be held, but cried harder when we put her down. Mommy cried hysterically right along with her as she flailed on the ground and in our arms. Daddy stepped up and took her to the opposite end of the house so I could compose myself. The only good thing about this was that the screaming seemed to loosen up her congestion enough that she could nurse a bit.
Her fever finally let up overnight on Sunday, though we continued giving her tylenol for the pain so the fever really didn't have much chance to show. On Monday, she seemed a little better, but I called the pediatrian first thing and got an appointment for 11am. When I walked in to the office, I nearly turned around and walked out. The "Sick Waiting Room" was full ... as in, only a chair or two left, with people coughing and kids laying down or resting their heads on their parents lap or shoulder.
Now I'll be the first to admit I'm a total germ-phobe, especially since the whole hospitalization from infection thing. A "well visit" in the healthy waiting room brings anxiety and massive amounts of hand sanitizing along with Cassidy staying in her stroller and touching as little as possible. I nearly choked when Jeff let her play with the toy table at the last visit, which she promptly licked. Aaacckkk! A visit involving the "sick room" makes me stressed and afraid to breath. I usually sit in a corner as far away from everyone as possible, trying to inhale as little as possible, and coating my hands in sanitizer after touching the doors or chairs. Monday's visit brought me close to a panic attack. I looked through the window into that room and decided right then that there was NO WAY I was walking in there, let alone sitting in there for what is usually at least an hour for a last minute appointment on a Monday. Nope. No way. Not a chance. So I paced the 20 foot area outside the reception window with Cassidy in her sling for 45 minutes, striking up the occasional conversation with the receptionist while alternately strategically positioning us at opposite ends of the hallway from the sick room whenever the door opened and opposite the exit door where the "sick ones" were leaving the office. (Yes, I know, Cassidy is sick. But I was 99 % sure it was bacterial and not contagious ... and NOT the flu).
We finally made it in to see the doc, who apologized for the wait (as usual -- at least she knows) and made the expected diagnosis ... secondary bacterial sinus and ear (both ears) infection, along with a bit of wheezing in her chest (big surpise there). So we got the prescription for antibiotics, instructions to increase breathing treatments to 3 or 4 times a day, and come back in a week if things aren't better.
I stayed home Monday and Jeff left work at 3 so I could go into the lab for a couple hours to get some experiments going. Same thing today. Cassidy's still not running a fever, and has had her second dose of antibiotics this evening. She's almost back to normal (aside from the congestion), just more irritable and clingy than usual. So the plan is for daycare tomorrow. And please, please sleep for tonight!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Cassidy's September

Her stats:
Weight: 21lbs 8 ounces (55%)
Height: 28inches (20%)
Head: 44.5cm
Overall, she's looking good ... no wheezing. We are continuing the NEB treatments with pulmicort (freakin' expensive stuff, that is!) once a day and xopenex as needed (usually once a week).

We also saw the allergist/immunologist this month. He said Cassidy looks pretty healthy overall, and agreed with our pediatrician and pulmonologist that this is something she'll likely grow out of. He said it doesn't look like allergies or asthma; more likely that she's getting one virus after another. He decided to do some bloodwork to check her antibody levels for the vaccinations she's already gotten to be sure that her immune system is working properly (the blood draw was awful!). We go back again after 8 weeks.
Jeff went on a cruise last weekend with his coworkers and dad came down to keep me company .. well, actually I think that was just an excuse to come... he really came down to see Cassidy!

We had a nice weekend, just the 3 of us.
Meanwhile, our daycare has had the occasional h1n1 case. This week 2 cases have shown up in Cassidy's classroom of 10 babies, so we are keeping our fingers crossed that she doesn't get it. Realistically, though, we know it's only a matter of time.
The kitchen is functional
Up next: painting and tiling the backsplash!
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Functional Kitchen ... almost.
- We will not use Home Depot for any of their "installation" services EVER again.
- We will shop at Lowes whenever possible.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Birthday Celebration

She ended up eating a small amount of it, but then spent the rest of breakfast pointing (she just started pointing at what she wants - apparently everything - this week) at the container of puffs on the kitchen table, which actually contains cheerios much to Cassidy's disappointment. She's recently decided she likes puffs much better than cheerios, no doubt because of their sweet flavor.
Friday, September 11, 2009
The Baby in the Mirror.
In the morning after getting dressed Cassidy usually makes her way into our room, stopping to play on the dog bed, and then heading over to the mirror on the closet door.
The Birthday Girl
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
That Makes Three...
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
She slept...
I hope it'll happen again tonight.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Our first "Cassidy is sick" phone call
Something about the shoes.
- the antibiotic she was on after the pneumonia and the one she's on now seem to give her a tummy ache.
- the yogurt we are giving her 2-3 times a day to prevent diarrhea from the antibiotics may give her a tummy ache.
- I'm pretty sure she's cutting another tooth.
- Caffeine in the breast milk.
- Her ear infections bother her more at night when there is nothing to distract her from the discomfort/pain.
- Her congestion wakes her up, either from coughing or just not being able to breathe well through her nose.
Since most of these involve some sort of discomfort or pain, we've been giving her some Tylenol before bed, and end up giving another dose in the middle of the night if she seems uncomfortable when she wakes up.