Cassidy's hair seems to be filling in on top, but no where else, resulting in a funny mohawk that sticks up all the time. The top isn't quite long enough to hold a clip or a bow of any kind, so we'll just have to go with the look for now.

This month brought us back to our peditrician for another visit. Cassidy's cough and congestion got worse again, and her doc again found out that the congestion was in her chest. So we are doing nebulizer treatments twice a day again, including an inhaled steroid in the morning with the normal bronchial dilator. She's also started on a once a day allergy antihistamine. We'll continue this until we go back for her 9 month checkup and the doc will re-evaluate then. If this is allergy related, things should get better by mid-summer when all the pollen in the area is gone. If it's residual lung issues from a virus (maybe RSV that we never caught in time for a postive test, or some other virus), she'll gradually grow out of it and no longer need the neb treatments. If it's leading up to asthma, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, as they don't diagnose asthma until age 2 because so many babies have congestion issues that they grow out of.
Overall, Cassidy is doing great in spite of all these congestion issues. She's sleeping through the night most nights, eating all kinds of baby foods (carrots, peas, green beans, applesauce, pears, sweet potatoes, bananas, etc) and is getting quite good at picking up her cheerios and popping them in her mouth. She LOVES the cat and dogs and smiles whenever she sees them. She's sitting up really well, and now rolls over to sleep on her tummy every night (I've lost the battle to keep her sleeping on her back). She scoots backwards on her tummy a bit, but mostly fusses when she's on her belly and doesn't show much interest in crawling yet. She loves to stand up in her exersaucer and bounce.
She is getting a bit more challenging when we take her out to restaurants with us now. She is grabbing for everything on the table and anything we are eating or drinking and is not satisfied to sit in a high chair for long. I think we may be getting more take out in the near future rather than eating out.