I have a six year old.
The past year has been a blur with Cassidy in "big girl" school, pregnancy, birth of a preemie, buying a new house, moving, and selling our old house.
Somehow, during all that, my baby started first grade, turned six, lost her first tooth, and made the honor roll with straight A's. She's growing up ...
too fast.
We had her birthday party at our new house, and Cassidy and Jeff went bigger and better with the birthday bounce house ... as big as possible for our yard and complete with a water slide.
We had a fantastic turnout with 18 first graders and a couple of their siblings. The weather held out with only a short burst of rain, and the thunder holding off until we were ready to have cake. The downpour started shortly after everyone left!

Cassidy lost her first tooth in september, just after her birthday. The toothfairy brought her $1 and an Elsa Dress. (Apparently the tooth fairy is very generous on the first tooth, or so Cassidy explained to us after her friends lost teeth.)
Cassidy's adjusted well to first grade. She's got 1-2 hours of homework each night (yes, you read that right). Nana picks her up monday - thursday and gets her going on homework after school so our evenings aren't so rushed. (I don't know how we'd do it without Nana!) She's got spelling, vocabulary, and Math tests each week, with the occasional reading test thrown in too.
And she's excelling. Cassidy earned all A's and all S's (satisfactory) on her first report card. She got awards for the honor roll, perfect attendance, and a "mustang award" for always doing her best.

She's also a fantastic big sister. She loves to entertain Chloe with crazy dances, songs, giggles, tickles, and anything else needed to get a smile.
Cassidy is amazing. She is smart, friendly, outgoing, funny, independent, caring, and a complete joy to be around (most of the time!)
I am so, so proud of her.
So proud to be her Mama.
My big six year old.