Saturday, December 13, 2008

3 months

Cassidy made 3 months on thursday! We've been doing tummy time every day, and she's lifting her head and shoulders better each day.

She's also started drooling like crazy over the last couple of weeks. I think we are going to have puddles of drool when teething starts.
On thursday, she rolled from her tummy to her back for the first time! She hasn't done it again since the 3 times in a row that day, but I think it'll only be a short time before she's rolling from back to tummy because she's turned onto her side every night when I check on her. I'm completely dreading this because I know I'll be going in to turn her onto her back several times a night.
Meanwhile, we are completely spoiled. Cassidy's been sleeping through the night for about 3 or 4 weeks now. First she started sleeping from 10pm until around 4, then until 5am. Then it became 10 until 7:30 or even 8:00! If she wakes up to eat at 5, she usually goes back to sleep until 9 or 10, sometimes later. If she sleeps until 7 or 8, she's up for the day. The only bad part of this is that she won't nap much during the day, and then gets cranky in the evening... but I'll take that any day if it means I get to sleep more at night!
I'm feeling really thankful and really blessed these days.
I couldn't be any happier.


  1. Love the mom and baby picture!!!! There's never enough of those!

  2. What a great picture! Have a great Christmas with that sweet little girl!!

  3. Jen & Jeff,
    Cassidy is so pretty! I am thinking she is looking like Jen (sorry Jeff). She is strong...rolling! And amazing sleep habits already! We hope your Chistmas time continues to be wonderful! I'm sure Grandma and Grandpa can't get enough of Cassidy too:).

  4. Jen she is so cute! Congrats! Great Picture. Hope to see you soon.
