Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Potty Chronicles: Weekend Update

4 pees in the potty
1 accident while having a tantrum over not being with mommy who was
resting in bed
0 poos in the potty, 1 in the diaper

3 pees in the potty
1 poo in the potty

Whenever given the choice, Cassidy still chooses a diaper over underwear. She chooses to use the small potty seat rather than the seat on the toilet 100% of the time. She'll sit on the seat on the toilet, but has yet to make a deposit there.

We're going with diapers at school for a little while, and continuing to practice the potty at home. Hopefully she'll warm up to the toilet idea soon so we can try again with the big potty at school.

1 comment:

  1. Can you get a stool that she can put her feet on when she's on the big potty? That may help with fear and perhaps her desire to "bear down" when eliminating. I haven't had much success finding a stool that is appropriately high for this, but I'll let you know if I come across anything.

    Glad knee is ok!
