Monday, March 17, 2014

28 Weeks and Hanging in There!

We've made it to the 28 week mark, which brings us up to a 90% survival rate if things go crazy and my body decides it's had enough!  We've had two more bleeding events, which were much less than the last one, resulting in a decrease in activity, sitting and resting as much as possible, and no more exercise.  This really is okay with me because this belly is officially wearing me out.  I'm measuring 40 weeks... Yes you read that right... 40 weeks, with another 8 and a half to go!  On a daily basis strangers say "any day now?"  Pretty soon I'm going to stop trying to explain and just tell them I'm having a litter of 4.  
Or punch them.

My ultrasound at 28 weeks looked great, with baby estimated at 2 lbs 11 ounces, which puts her at the 58th percentile, up from the 53rd percentile at the 24 week ultrasound.  I'm hovering right around a 26-27 pound weight gain, all in my belly.
My glucose test was fine and my blood pressure is still normal so things are looking good there.  I am slightly anemic, but not enough to require taking extra iron.  I've started having some swelling in my legs, ankles, and feet by the end of the day, which doc says is just from my giant belly.  I see my regular doc again in 3 weeks with my next ultrasound with the materal/fetal medicine specialist in 4 weeks! 

Now that we've gotten to this point, I'm finally getting excited that we are likely bringing home a baby!  I've shopped for tiny clothes and swaddles, washed everything in dreft, we've pulled the baby stuff out of storage and everything is set up, we've washed the bottles and parts in case we have to go that route again, and only have a few more things to purchase. 
Exciting times!!!!

There are still a lot of concerns with the c-section because of fibroids, location of the placenta, mesh from my previous hernia surgery, and the possibility of excessive bleeding.  One of my docs said they will likely cut into part of my scar from last time, but extend the cut to well above my belly button because baby is so high and they want to stay away from the fibroids which cover the entire area under my belly button.  I'm planning to give blood prior to the c-section so that my own blood will be available if I need a transfusion, but we still have to work out the details of this.

We have an official c-section date of May 15, which is at 36 weeks, 5 days! 
(Happy birthday Daddy!- May 16- I give you the gift of sleep deprivation and poopy diapers!)

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